T. 01892 457062 E. Info@greenspace-ecology.co.uk
T. 01892 457062 E. Info@greenspace-ecology.co.uk
Here you'll find the latest goings on and updates from the team.
National Mammal Week | 13 October 2023
National Mammal Week is a week-long, annual event run by The Mammal Society. This year, it’ll runs from 9th to 15th October 2023.
BNG | 28 September 2023
Yesterday the government announced they are going to push back the start date of BNG becoming mandatory for new housing, industrial or commercial development
Recent Release of the New Bat Good Practice Guidelines
Bats | 19 September 2023
Following the release of the eagerly anticipated 4th edition of the Good Practice Guidelines from Bat Conservation Trust, the GES Team have conducted a