T. 01892 457062 E. Info@greenspace-ecology.co.uk
T. 01892 457062 E. Info@greenspace-ecology.co.uk
Our team mean the world to us, we value each member, their ideas and their passion.
We firmly believe that our team of ecologists, surveyors, arborists and operations support team are all key to our company ethos and collective, collaborative approach.
Please see some of the team below...
Guy Newman
Guy Newman
Having founded Greenspace Ecological Solutions in 2011, Guy has a clear vision to build a strong, dynamic and multi-disciplined team who deliver a wide range of high quality ecological services to a broad range of clients while supporting clients through their schemes. Guy gained an ecological degree after a long career within the UK utilities industry, the combination of commercial, project management and ecological background has provided a firm foundation for the provision of sound advice and ecological input for various size of projects. Guy holds a Natural England Class 2 Bat Licence and Great Crested Newt Licence and is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management CIEEM. He has produced European Protected Species Mitigation licence applications (EPSM Licences) for both Bats and Great Crested Newts and also works regularly on Management Plans, Ecological Impact Assessments, and protected species mitigation strategies. Guy enjoys identifying ecological constraints and resolutions throughout a range of projects and has assisted on a variety of Master Plans for residential developments. Guy is a registered consultant with Natural England allowing him to conduct work under the Low Impact Bat Licence (LICL) which has assisted an array of clients with licensable works. Guy enjoys identifying ecological constraints and resolutions throughout a range of projects and has assisted on a variety of Master Plans for residential developments. With a strong interest in planning and protected species Guy has consulted on a wide range of projects ranging from commercial and domestic developments, renewable energy and public sector; including educational, infrastructure, recreational and health care schemes. Guy thrives on building strong relationships with clients, providing great customer care and mentoring members of the ecology team. He is very focused on finding solutions for projects and has a huge level of experience with UK & EU protective species legislation and UK planning policy. As a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and a member of the L7 Apprenticeships Scheme Trailblazer Group for the Occupation of Ecologist and Environmental Managers Guy is evolved in pushing forward industry standards. Taking pride in each team member’s professional development Guy has completed the CIEEM Train the Trainer Course and implements this in both in-house training sessions and external presentations. Over the years Guy has been invited to give presentations regarding ‘The Role of an Ecologist’, ‘An Insight to the Ecological Industry’ and ‘How Ecology Can Affect Your Project’ to universities, various schools, colleges and architect companies.
Florence Hodsdon
Operations Director
Florence Hodsdon
Operations Director
Florence manages the office administration, business development, HR and monitors project delivery. Over the years she has worked hard at developing a Project Management System (PMS) which allows the team to work closely with clients, keeping projects on track. With a strong PMS the company has grown year on year and supports its clients throughout their schemes, this is something Florence is very proud of.
Florence has a wealth of experience with customer care and people management. Her day to day role includes ensuring client care, monitoring project delivery, tendering, financial management, staff wellbeing and general administration.
Overseeing survey scheduling (sometimes this is the most challenging part of her role due to weather, access issues, H&S, survey time restraints etc) Florence works alongside clients and the GES project lead team on survey scheduling and co-ordinates both the admin and ecology teams to keep projects moving.
Constantly assessing business development and team training opportunities, Florence pushes these forward and is full of ideas. With an eye for finding great CPD opportunities she helps to develop and support team members, oversees all HR and recruitment for the company and is a firm believer in ‘Positive Team = Positive Outcomes’.
Florence also helps to oversee H&S in the workplace alongside our Health & Safety Co-ordinator. As the company as evolved Florence has managed to introduction of Citation, a national company whom provide Health and Safety and HR support to businessess. This has involved an assessment of all company polices, contracts etc.
Florence has worked with design companies on various marketing campaigns for GES and has implemented the design and fruition of a new company website. She is currently working on and implementing a strategy in which GES can keep clients up to date on various topics related to ecology and company news and always wanting to do well to support this she is undertaking further study on online marketing.
Outside of work Florence enjoys spending time with family and friends, hot yoga, weight training, running, reading and planning, as we said... she is full of ideas! She is also involved with volunteering as a PTA member at her children’s school and having completed the London to Brighton 100km Challenge in 28hrs, the Brighton Marathon and several RED January’s (Run Every Day in January for the Mind Charity) she is now looking at her next outdoor physical challenge.
Charlotte Bell
Principal Ecologist
Charlotte Bell
Principal Ecologist
Charlotte works as a Principal Ecologist managing projects, mentoring team members and liaising clearly with clients. Having worked within both small and large multidisciplinary consultancies since 2011, Charlotte holds varied experience in Protected Species management, survey techniques and methodologies across a range of taxonomic groups. Charlotte is Company Lead for Bats, monitoring company delivery and ensuring the GES team are updated on any changes to legislation, guidance or survey techniques for this taxonomic group. Charlotte’s wide project experience includes developments within the residential, commercial, leisure and energy sectors. With broad experience in protected species and informing strategic allocations for Local Plans, Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, Environmental Impact Assessment, Ecological Management Plans and Natural England bat mitigation licence applications. Charlotte’s keen interest in bats led her to gain qualifications as a Registered Consultant under the Bat Mitigation Class Licence. As the Named Ecologist on a large number of bat mitigation licences covering seven species, Charlotte is also currently involved in the Earned Recognition pilot scheme for bats, having been accepted into the accreditation process. Charlotte holds a NE Bat Survey Class Licence (Level 2), NE Bat Mitigation Licence and NRW Bat Survey Licence including handling, as well as NE and NRW Licences for Great Crested Newt (Level 1), Barn Owl and NE Dormouse Licence (Level 1). She also has a BSc (Hons) in Zoology and is a full member of CIEEM. Charlotte also has extensive experience of reptile survey and mitigation, Phase 1 Habitat surveys, badger surveys and otter/water vole surveys. Charlotte’s interest in bats meant she has been elected Secretary of the Gloucestershire Bat Group (April 2016-April 2021) and Secretary of the London Bat Group (October 2012-June 2014) and until moving to Kent recently was an active member of Wiltshire Bat Group, including leading a bat box monitoring scheme in two of the parks in Swindon to train young ecologists in bat handling and ID skills, as well as helping with mist netting and harp trapping projects in various sites in Wiltshire. She also attends the National Bat Conference every year.
Jenny Passmore
Principal Ecologist
Jenny Passmore
Principal Ecologist
Chris Bawler
Senior Ecologist
Chris Bawler
Senior Ecologist
Chris works on a variety of projects as a Senior Ecologist, conducting ecological survey work to support planning applications, producing technical reports and BNG calculations.
Chris is an experienced surveyor and undertakes PEA’s, HSI’s, PRA’s, Reptile Surveys, Hazel Dormouse surveys, Water Vole, GCN Surveys and holds a Natural England Level 1 Survey Licence for GCN. He is currently working towards his hazel dormouse survey licence and a Level 1 bat licence.
Additionally, Chris is well versed in technical report writing including PEA’s, PRA’s, Protected species surveys, method statements, risk assessments and environmental checklists. He conducts pre-construction checks and supervises on vegetation clearance for nesting birds, reptiles and badgers.
Chris started working in the field of Ecology in 2017 and since then has gained experience in large construction projects and Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. Chris is a graduate member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and has gained a BSc (Hons) in Biology from the University of Brighton. Chris assists his clients with ecological advice and provides an array of reports and detailed desk studies.
Outside of work Chris enjoys walking on the south downs and enjoys a round of golf in his down time.
Vic Standing
Senior Ecologist
Vic Standing
Senior Ecologist
Natasha Nash
Ecology Operations Manager
Natasha Nash
Ecology Operations Manager
Alana Ball
Senior Ecologist
Alana Ball
Senior Ecologist
Alana started her career in ecology in 2012, and spent time in both the UK and USA. Alana conducts an array of survey types, including, PEA’s, HSI’s, Reptile, Bat, Water Vole and GCN and has experience in translocation and habitats works.
Alana has worked on various projects including housing schemes, domestic and commercial developments.
Alana has conducts destructive searches, desk studies and has worked on projects with complex logistics in challenging and remote areas around the world.
She has experience in creating sections of EcIA’s and technical reports.
Graduating from the University of Plymouth with a BSc Honours degree in Environmental Science and went on to gain an MSc Distinction in Conservation and Biodiversity at the University of Exeter.
In her spare time, Alana is an avid kayaker and enjoys skiing. With a passion for wildlife and conservation Alana enjoys traveling the globe learning about new cultures and countries.
Lottie Gibbons
Lottie Gibbons
Lottie works as an Ecologists and responsibilities consist of a mixture of project managment, aiding clients with PEA’s, HSI’s, GCN, reptile and bat surveys, translocations, dormouse and watervole surveys, desk studies, reporting and mapping.
Lottie has excellent interpersonal and communicative abilities which allows for efficient communications with clients, contactors and planning.
Holding a GCN Licence and certificates in Protected Species Survey, Bat Echolocation and Phase 1 Habitat Survey, Lottie has wide experience in surveying UK Wildlife and has conducted fascinating research projects whilst completing her MRes, all requiring sophisticated fieldwork and data collection skills.
Having achieved her MRes in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation at Imperial College London, a BSc in Zoology and achieved the RED Award by the University of Reading and Level 3 Animal Management Extended Diploma, Lottie’s has clear interest and love for wildlife and ecology, with strong research and scientific report writing skills, making her a true asset to the team.
Lottie also holds memberships to the British Ecological Society, RSPB, Bat Conservation Trust, Kent Wildlife Trust and has participated in numerous online training and courses, as well as surveying local species. In her spare time Lottie enjoys volunteer work, Yoga and outdoor activities.
Deborah Arnold
Office Manager
Deborah Arnold
Office Manager
Details coming soon...
Matthew Clark
Matthew Clark
Details coming soon
Lauren Hook
Lauren Hook
Details coming soon...
Ashley Walker
Assistant Ecologist
Ashley Walker
Assistant Ecologist
Shamila Costa
Managment Accountant
Shamila Costa
Managment Accountant
Details coming soon...
Kate Baldock
Associate Ecologist
Kate Baldock
Associate Ecologist
Hana Ketley
Assistant Ecologist
Hana Ketley
Assistant Ecologist
Steve Stanley
Field Surveyor
Steve Stanley
Field Surveyor
Steve has been assisting Greenspace Ecological Solutions as a seasonal field surveyor since 2013. Over the years he has assisted the company with bat, badger, reptile and GCN surveys, reptile translocation projects and acted as Ecological Clerk of Works on a wide range of sites across the South of England.
Steve has gained a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Conservation and holds a Natural England (NE) Great Crested Newt Licence. With experience of conducting bat surveys since 2009 Steve is currently working towards his Natural England Class I bat licence.
Steve is an active member of the Kent Mammal Group, and designs their quarterly magazine publication ‘Quadrupedia’ which features environmental articles, news and upcoming training events.
In his spare time Steve is a Wildlife Artist, he enjoys studying mammals to produce colourful, playful images and works with clients on commission pieces for brochures etc and he also works on environmental art design and direction for video games.
Steve Songhurst
Field Surveyor
Steve Songhurst
Field Surveyor
Steve has been asisting Greenspace Ecological Solutions as a field surveyor for several years. Steve holds a Natural England (NE) Dormice Survey Licence and also trains ecologists and volunteers to gain their own NE Dormice Survey Licence. Steve participates in many national monitoring programmes, including for dormice, bats and water voles.
Also managing a local urban nature reserve, Steve loves creating and improving wildlife habitats, particularly for reptiles and amphibians. He has manged many reptile relocation programmes and has a very practical understanding of the correct survey conditions.
After 25 years in the finance industry Steve gained a first class honours degree in conservation and in his spare time he plays an active role in Kent’s specialist amphibian and reptile group (KRAG), plus the counties mammal group.
Spending his childhood forever wandering the fields, hedgerows, woods & streams of Kent he developed a love and fascination of nature, which has never left him. He is a true field naturalist and after more than fifty years of exploring nature has a wealth of knowledge on the natural world.
Over the years Steve has assisted the company with dormouse surveys, ECoW, bat, reptile and GCN surveys plus team training on habitat creation and dormouse skills. He is a great sounding board for ideas and regularly enjoys a debate on wildlife policy and national trials.
Jodie May
Graduate Ecologist
Jodie May
Graduate Ecologist
Sue Todd
Operations Administrator
Sue Todd
Operations Administrator
Details coming soon...
Original Office Wonder Dog
Original Office Wonder Dog
Howie is a valued member of the team, always making the team smile and helping to keep team members feet warm in the winter by laying on them. He is always pleased to meet any clients who come to the office and welcomes them with a wagging tail.
Ensuring team fitness no matter what the weather, Howie likes going on lunchtime walks around the country estate.