T. 01892 457062 E.
T. 01892 457062 E.
Greenspace Ecological Solutions were excited to work with the local landscape architects, AllenScotts, in the creation of the Crawter’s Brook People’s Park, Crawley. A green space provided for workers from within the surrounding industrial estate, completion in 2015 saw the project shortlisted for the British Business Improvement Districts’ (BIDs) Proud Projects Awards. The project further going on to become Highly Commended by the Landscape Institute in 2016.
Having been commissioned, Greenspace were requested to give advice on ways to maximise the ecological credentials of the site.
The preliminary ecological appraisal identified habitats suitable for reptiles, amphibians and bats, yet through consideration of existing habitats and areas of ecological sensitivity, no further species-specific surveys were deemed required.
Working closely with both Allen and Sion whom were heading up the project, Greenspace set out recommendations to retain and improve the waterbody, woodland and wetland habitats. Installation of the monolithic bug hotel / come site entrance sign as a sure sign of innovative thinking on the architect’s behalf. Improved habitat for reptiles, bat foraging areas and invasive’ s control, further served to provide biodiversity enhancements. Where habitat suitable to support wildlife was to be affected, advise on timings and appropriate working methods were provided. The provision of information boards in key locations within the site also serve to ensure visitors to the park remain informed of the woodlands ecological importance to the area.
The transformation of an area of neglected wetland/woodland into a thriving hub for biodiversity is demonstrative of what can be achieved, with innovative thinking. Another example of exemplary work by the Tunbridge Wells based team of AllenScott Landscape Architect’s, we have no doubt that the works conducted serve to improve the long-term value of Crawter’s Brook for both wildlife and people alike.