Historic & Religious Buildings

Historic & Religious Buildings

Historic & Religious Buildings

We provide a wide range of protected species and ecological surveys, technical reporting, EPSM licensing and advice for historic & religious building projects. Ranging from church restorations to historical or listed building maintenance and renovations, through the provision of ecological advice and liaison with the relevant bodies our team are able to offer time and cost effective solutions to keep projects moving.


With a client base ranging from the Greenwich University and Landmark Trust to the Diocese of Rochester and Canterbury, we pride ourselves on our forward thinking approach and detailed working knowledge of the build processes often unique to historic and religious building.

Services we offer include;

  • Protected Species Surveys (Bat, GCN, Dormouse, Reptile, Badger, Water Vole, Otter, Bird, Barn Owl, Invertebrate)
  • Ecology Surveys (Extended Phase I, Botanical, Tree Assessment, Hedgerow, River Corridor, Woodland, Freshwater Surveys)
  • Technical Writing (EPSM Licensing, Ecological Impact Assessments, Ecological Management Plans, Woodland and Habitat Management Plans)
  • Habitat Creation, Habitat Management & Maintenance, & Ecological Clerk of Works


If you would like to discuss your project or are simply looking for some advice why not contact us today.